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The deliberate processing of a carrier signal which is used in ordinary radio and TV broadcasting: The amplitude modulation varies in accordance with the level of the modulating signal while transmitting the video portion of a television signal.
Variation of the amplitude modulation of a carrier wave, commonly a radio wave, presents fluctuations in the audio or video signals that are being transmitted.
A higher amplitude modulation wave is interpreted as a "1" and a normal wave is interpreted as a zero.
The method of changing an amplitude modulation is known as "amplitude shift keying", or ASK.
This entry is located in the following units:
ampli-, ampl-
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-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)
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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID): Definitions
(page 1)
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verb "to be": am, is, are; was, were; will be; has been, have been; had been; being (verb forms)
To exist: "He will be here later."
This entry is located in the following unit:
verbo-, verb-, verbi-
(page 3)