You searched for: “alternates
alternate (s) (AWL tur nit) (noun), alternates (pl)
1. An individual who takes the place of another person; a backup: Hank attended the political convention not as a full delegate but as an alternate.
2. Someone who temporarily fulfills certain jobs and functions: In school when a teacher is sick and cannot teach, there is always an alternate, or a substitute teacher to fill in that day.
3. An understudy for a role: Judy was the alternate in the drama in case the person playing the part got sick and couldn't perform.
This entry is located in the following units: alter- (page 2) -ate (to do) (page 1)
alternate (AWL tur nayt) (verb), alternates; alternated; alternating
To occur by taking turns; to succeed each other, to take turns, to rotate, to interchange, to vary, to change: Mack and his sister alternate washing the supper dishes.

James alternated with Sam in taking the night shift on different nights.

This entry is located in the following unit: alter- (page 2)