You searched for: “alternate
alternate (AWL tur nit) (adjective) (not comparable)
1. One and then the other; every other, successive: Each of the two druggists works on alternate Sundays.

The awning had alternate red and white stripes.

2. A reference to a substitute or backup: If the main road is closed, Jim was told by his friend to take an alternate route when he comes to visit.
This entry is located in the following unit: alter- (page 1)
alternate (s) (AWL tur nit) (noun), alternates (pl)
1. An individual who takes the place of another person; a backup: Hank attended the political convention not as a full delegate but as an alternate.
2. Someone who temporarily fulfills certain jobs and functions: In school when a teacher is sick and cannot teach, there is always an alternate, or a substitute teacher to fill in that day.
3. An understudy for a role: Judy was the alternate in the drama in case the person playing the part got sick and couldn't perform.
This entry is located in the following units: alter- (page 2) -ate (to do) (page 1)
alternate (AWL tur nayt) (verb), alternates; alternated; alternating
To occur by taking turns; to succeed each other, to take turns, to rotate, to interchange, to vary, to change: Mack and his sister alternate washing the supper dishes.

James alternated with Sam in taking the night shift on different nights.

This entry is located in the following unit: alter- (page 2)
alternate, alternate, alternate, alternative
alternate (AWL tur nayt) (verb)
Occurring by turns; succeeding each other, take turns, change: Tyrone and his sister alternate washing the supper dishes.
alternate (AWL tur nit) (adjective)
One and then the other; every other, successive: Each of the two druggists works on alternate Sundays.

The awning had alternate red and white stripes.

alternate (AWL tur nit) (noun)
Standby, backup, understudy: Karl attended the political convention not as a delegate but as an alternate.
alternative (awl TUR nuh tiv) (noun)
A choice between two or among more than two things; something remaining to be chosen; an option: Is there an alternative to going to the party tonight?

If Vernon wants to get to Los Angeles by tonight, he has no alternative but to go by plane.

The two words have quite separate and distinct meanings: alternate implies the taking of turns, while alternative implies a choice.

Let's not blow alternately hot and cold on this; the alternative to holding the line is fuzziness of meanings.

(Greek: turning like oxen in plowing; alternate lines in opposite directions; zig-zag procedure)
(Greek: leukos, white; the primary meaning now is the color "white"; but it also includes the meanings of "light, clear, bright")
Word Entries containing the term: “alternate
alternate juror (s) (noun), alternate jurors (pl)
An additional person or people who are impanelled in case of a sickness or a disability of any members of a jury: Alternate jurors are usually available for trials of expectedly long durations .

This entry is located in the following unit: juris- (page 1)
Word Entries at Get Words: “alternate
1. To follow one thing with something else.
2. To take turns.

"James alternated with Sam in taking the night shift on alternate weeks."

Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “alternate
alternate jurors
Jurors who have been selected to replace any of the regular jurors who may become ill and cannot attend the full trial proceeding.

These replacement jurors are responsible for the same tasks as regular jurors who will hear and decide cases.

This entry is located in the following unit: Criminal Court Words or Judicial Terms + (page 2)