You searched for:
all right, all-right, alright
all right (awl RIGHT) (adjective)
1. Healthy, in good health; safe, uninjured: Joan was all right in spite of her accident.
2. Satisfactorily, acceptably: The new chocolate cake recipe turned out to be all right.
3. Yes, very well: "All right," Joel said, "I'll do it just as you want it to be done".
2. Satisfactorily, acceptably: The new chocolate cake recipe turned out to be all right.
3. Yes, very well: "All right," Joel said, "I'll do it just as you want it to be done".
all-right (awl RIGHT) (adjective)
When hyphenated, this is the spelling for the slang adjective: Jim’s an all-right guy.
This is generally considered to be the only acceptable "exception" to "all right".
This is never an acceptable spelling for "all right"; regardless of how many times you may see it misspelled in print.
Alright, although often misused by many people, it is still considered substandard English!
Alright's Not All Right
By day and night
I sing this song:
"All right's all right;
Alright's all wrong."
By day and night
I sing this song:
"All right's all right;
Alright's all wrong."
Lee's sister made a new cake recipe which came out all right, then when his niece took the cake to her office, her colleagues exclaimed, "That cake is all-right!".
This entry is located in the following unit:
Confusing Words Clarified: Group A; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc.
(page 4)
This is never an acceptable spelling for all right; regardless of how many times you may see it misspelled.