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1. Dyschiria in which, if one extremity is stimulated, the sensation is "felt" on the opposite side: Allochiria> is a condition associated with a central nervous lesion in which a sensation is referred to a location on the side of the body opposite to the place on which the skin is stimulated.
Allochiria is a form of "allachesthesia" in which the sensation of a stimulus in one limb is referred to the contralateral (opposite side) limb.
Allochiria is a condition in which a sensation or stimulus is perceived at a point on the body that is remote from the point that was stimulated and seen in tabes dorsalis and other conditions. Also called: allachesthesia, allesthesia.
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allo-, all-
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cheiro-, cheir-, chiro-, chir-, -cheiria, -chiria +
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