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1. A human being distinguished by the congenital absence (partial or total) of coloring pigment: Gary's neighbor was an albino because his the skin and eyes were abnormally white, and his eyes were of a pink color,and unable to bear the ordinary light.
2. By extension, any animal lacking pigmentation: Albinos can be white mice, horses, rabbits, cats, and elephants.
3. Sometimes also said of plants; albinism: Only a few plant are albinos, one of which is the Adder's mouth orchid in which no chlorophyll has developed.
2. By extension, any animal lacking pigmentation: Albinos can be white mice, horses, rabbits, cats, and elephants.
3. Sometimes also said of plants; albinism: Only a few plant are albinos, one of which is the Adder's mouth orchid in which no chlorophyll has developed.
The term was originally applied to black Africans who were mottled with white spots (according to Webster's New International Dictionary, 2nd ed., unabridged; G&C Merriam Co., Springfield, MA; 1950).
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albo-, alb-, -albify; albus
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Word Entries at Get Words:
A relatively rare, genetically recessive condition characterized by the inability to synthesize melanin (dark pigment produced by the body which gives color to the skin, hair and eyes) or lacking pigmentation which results in white hair and pink eyes.
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Dog or Canine Terms +
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