Albeluvisols form in cold climates on relatively flat terrain which supports boreal landscapes, taiga, or coniferous or mixed forest.
High acidity, low plant-nutrient content, and fragile aggregate structures are common to these soils.
These adverse climatic and chemical conditions, combined with the impeding clay layer, prevent agricultural use, except in areas where the growing season is sufficient to allow grazing, cold-hardy grains, or acid-tolerant root crops.
Occupying 2.5 percent of the total land area on the planet Earth, albeluvisols are concentrated in a belt from Poland to Siberia in Eurasia and from Baffin Bay westward in Canada.
As their subsurface layer structure indicates, they tend to be associated with the FAO soil groups of Podzols to the north and Luvisols to the south.
2. A classification system of food: One categorization method is the Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO.3. Etymology: from Latin albus, "white".