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agonal (adjective), more agonal, most agonal
1. Associated or connected with the great pain of dying: Mrs. Thompson was afraid of passing away because she had heard about the agonal condition of agony accompanying the end of a person's life.
2. Relating to the process of dying or the moment of death: The agonal instance of demise refers to the former erroneous notion that dying is a painful process.
2. Relating to the process of dying or the moment of death: The agonal instance of demise refers to the former erroneous notion that dying is a painful process.
Word Entries containing the term:
preagonal, pre-agonal (adjective) (not comparable)
1. A reference to that which immediately precedes death: The colonel reconciled with his estranged son in the preagonal hours prior to the colonel's departure from life.
2. Descriptive of something which occurs or exists immediately before the agony of death: The family gathered around the dying patriarch's bed in the preagonal hours in advance of his demise.
2. Descriptive of something which occurs or exists immediately before the agony of death: The family gathered around the dying patriarch's bed in the preagonal hours in advance of his demise.
Death "agony" is an old term for the period just before someone dies which was thought to be a time of extreme suffering.