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afflict (verb), afflicts; afflicted; afflicting
1. To cause some kind of grievous physical or mental suffering and distress on someone or others: Famine, pandemic diseases, and wars are afflicting many people in several parts of the world.
2. Etymology: from Latin affligere, "to throw down"; from ad-, "to" + figere, "to strike".
2. Etymology: from Latin affligere, "to throw down"; from ad-, "to" + figere, "to strike".
If a person is afflicted, his or her health or hopes have been "dashed down" or "struck down".
This entry is located in the following unit:
flic-, flig-
(page 1)
afflicted (adjective), more afflicted, most afflicted
Descriptive of sever suffering or distress and trouble: Sam's afflicted body is a result of arthritis in the joints of his fingers, toes, arms, knees, and back.
This entry is located in the following unit:
flic-, flig-
(page 1)