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1. The study of gases that deals with the balance of air or other gases, and with the equilibrium of solid bodies: Arthur decided to study aerostatics because he was very interested in the principle of floatation in air.
2. The science of aircraft that are lighter than air: Greg thinks that aerostatics seems to be a fascinating branch of research dealing with dirigibles and balloons, both of which are buoyant and float or drift in the atmosphere.
2. The science of aircraft that are lighter than air: Greg thinks that aerostatics seems to be a fascinating branch of research dealing with dirigibles and balloons, both of which are buoyant and float or drift in the atmosphere.
This entry is located in the following units:
aero-, aer-, aeri-
(page 10)
-ics, -tics [-ac after i]
(page 2)
stato-, stat-, sta-, -static, -stasi, staso-, -stasis, -stasia, -stacy, -stitute, -stitution, -sist
(page 1)