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1. A blend of liquid droplets and solid particles which are supported in a gaseous medium: Aerosols are dispersed into the air in the form of a fine mist , smoke, or fog!
: 2. A product that is packaged under pressure and contains therapeutically or chemically active ingredients: Aerosols are intended for topical application, inhalation, or introduction into body orifices.
: 2. A product that is packaged under pressure and contains therapeutically or chemically active ingredients: Aerosols are intended for topical application, inhalation, or introduction into body orifices.
This entry is located in the following units:
aero-, aer-, aeri-
(page 9)
solv-, -solu-, solut-, -sol, -soluble, -solubility, -solvent
(page 2)
Word Entries containing the term:
A liquefied gas that is used as the driving force to expel a liquid from a container, such as a spray from a can: Examples of aerosol propellants are hair spray, deodorants, spray paints, or various household cleaning products.
This entry is located in the following unit:
aero-, aer-, aeri-
(page 9)