You searched for: “advection
advection (s) (noun), advections (pl)
1. The transportation of a mass of matter and its conserved properties, like energy, by motion: Examples of advection can be seen in the movement of pollutants or silt in a stream or river which flows downstream.
2. The conveyance of an atmospheric property caused by the horizontal movement of air: The transfer of heat, humidity or moisture, or salinity, which are some properties carried through the motion of the air, is known as advection.
3. The horizontal movement of water, as in an ocean current: Advection is important for the precipitation of rain, snow, etc. from clouds, or for the formation of shaping of such orographic clouds.
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Word Entries containing the term: “advection
advection fog (s) (noun), advection fogs (pl)
A type of thick mist formed when warm, moist air moves horizontally over a cooler surface: Advection fog is found especially along a coastline where the temperature of land and the temperature of water significantly differ.

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Word Entries at Get Words: “advection
1. A reference to the processes of transport and mixing of properties (energy, heat, moisture, etc.) of a fluid by mass motion of that fluid in the horizontal plane.
2. In the atmosphere, the horizontal transfer of anything by the movement of air; for example, wind.

Common examples of advection include heat and moisture.

This entry is located in the following unit: Meteorology or Weather Terms + (page 1)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “advection
advection fog
Fog that forms when warmer humid air flows over cooler ground or water.
This entry is located in the following unit: Meteorology or Weather Terms + (page 1)