You searched for: “aculeate
aculeate (s) (noun), aculeates (pl)
An insect of the infraorder Aculeata: Bees, wasps, and ants are all stinging aculeates.
This entry is located in the following unit: acuto-, acut-, acuti-, acu-, -cusis; also, agu- (page 2)
aculeate (adjective), more aculeate, most aculeate
1. Pointed; covered with sharp spines: An aculeate porcupine is protected by a needle-like layer of quills.
2. Regarding insects bearing a stinger: Linda read in her biology book about some aculeate bees and wasps possessing a sharp organ for defense.
3. As a figure of speech: pointed, incisive, stinging: Mr. Thompson was known for his aculeate, sharp, and biting remarks aimed at his colleagues.
This entry is located in the following unit: acuto-, acut-, acuti-, acu-, -cusis; also, agu- (page 2)
Word Entries at Get Words: “aculeate
aculeate (adjective), more aculeate, most aculeate
A reference to the Aculeata with a stinger or barb: Hymenoptera, a group including the bees, ants, and many of the wasps, are aculeate insects.
This entry is located in the following unit: Ant and Related Entomology Terms (page 1)