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1. A grasshopper and/or locust that eats plants, both wild and agriculturally grown: Acridophage is a term for a terrestrial plant-eating insect with hind legs adapted for jumping and that devours wheat, barley, corn, rye and oats.
2. The consumption of grasshoppers: Acridophagy refers to the ingestion of grasshoppers, locusts, or crickets that are protein rich foods in certain austere climatic regions.
Hunter-gathers eating grasshoppers at acridophagy.
2. The consumption of grasshoppers: Acridophagy refers to the ingestion of grasshoppers, locusts, or crickets that are protein rich foods in certain austere climatic regions.

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The eating or consuming by grasshoppers, locusts, and/or crickets: Acridophagy is the process that involves the devouring of vast amounts of plants by grasshoppers, but especially by hordes of locusts in certain parts of the world.
With serrated jaws rasping from side to side, adult locusts daily eat the equivalent of their weight, .04 to .09 of an ounce. Yet they are capable of living four days without feeding by surviving on stored fat.
Typical of the countless billions that impoverish African and Asian farmers, these voracious eaters feast on crops of leaves, stalks, and tons of grains.
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acrido-, acrid-, acris-
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