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1. An obsolete term for the dimness of eyesight, or a speck on the cornea of the eye: Since Jane couldn't see very well, she went to her ophthalmologist and was diagnosed to have achlys that was causing her poor vision.
2. A genus of butterflies in the subfamily Brassolinæ: One of the species of the genus Achlys is the gigantic owl-butterfly of South America, the C. eurylochus, which has a wingspan of about 9 inches!
2. A genus of butterflies in the subfamily Brassolinæ: One of the species of the genus Achlys is the gigantic owl-butterfly of South America, the C. eurylochus, which has a wingspan of about 9 inches!
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achlyo-, achly-, achlys-, achlu-
(page 1)
(Greek: mist, dimness, darkness)