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1. Something accomplished; especially, by superior ability, special effort, great courage, etc.
2. The act of achieving; attainment or accomplishment.
3. In heraldry, the full display of the armorial bearings (bearing a coat or coats of arms) of an individual or corporation.
2. The act of achieving; attainment or accomplishment.
3. In heraldry, the full display of the armorial bearings (bearing a coat or coats of arms) of an individual or corporation.
A unit related to:
(Latin: achievement, a success, procession for a victorious general or admiral)
Word Entries containing the term:
successful achievement
A redundant statement or words repeating the same definitions; as, successful [having the intended result or obtaining what one desilres] + achievement [the act or process of finishing something successfully].
This entry is located in the following units:
-cede, -ceed, -cess, -cease
(page 6)
Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies
(page 21)