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Acari (proper noun)
Mites and ticks: The Acari comprise a diverse order of small free-living and parasitic arthropods (Arachnida) comprising about 30,000 recognized species, although this may represent only a small proportion of the world fauna. The body of a mite is mostly small, compact, the head and abdomen fused, the mouthparts include "chelicerae" and "subcapitulum". There is an immense variety of form and habit in three suborders, Acariformes, Opilioacriformes, and Parasitiformes.
"Aristotle called mites "akari" and they are now described as being of the order Acarina. They are impressively tiny, the follicle mite with all its complex anatomy is smaller than the single cell of the human ovum."
"Our skins are a habitat which supports a whole flora and fauna of creatures which have evolved with us through millennia."
"Few people can calmly accept the idea that worm-like creatures which have been described as eight-legged crocodiles squirm out their microcosmic lives in warm oily lairs in our hair follicles.""
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(Greek > Latin: "tiny spider", mite[s] "itch"; ticks)