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Acanthocephala (proper noun)
A class of phylum of extended wormlike parasites; spiny-headed worms: Jack read about the Acanthocephala whose members use their retractile proboscis with hooked spines to attach themselves to the intestines of vertebrates.
This entry is located in the following unit:
acantho-, acanth-, -acanth, -acanths, -acanthid, -acanthous
(page 1)
Word Entries at Get Words:
Phylum 13, Acanthocephala
Acanthos, spine, the scholar said,
Prefixed to cephale, the head,
Makes up this name which you've just read,
This name, compounded from these terms
Is most appropriate for these worms.
Prefixed to cephale, the head,
Makes up this name which you've just read,
This name, compounded from these terms
Is most appropriate for these worms.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Zoology Phyla in Poetic Rhyming +
(page 1)