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abrogate (AB ruh gayt") (verb), abrogates; abrogated; abrogating
1. To abolish or to annul by authority; to nullify, to cancel: Congress once passed laws prohibiting the sale of liquor in the U.S., however the 20th Amendment to the Constitution abrogated those laws and now alcohol may be legally sold.
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The Secretary of State declared that further aggressive action by a certain foreign power would cause the government to abrogate the treaty it had made with that country.
Mr. Jackson and the Board of Directors at the museum decided to abrogate entrance fees for senior citizens.
2. To repeal, to eliminate, or to get rid of something formally and publicly, especially a law: The king decided to abrogate the old law regarding poaching during the summer holidays.The new law abrogated the old law about paying parking fines.
They will be abrogating the decision to increase student grants after the next election.
3. Etymology: from Latin ab-, "away" + rogare, "to ask, to propose".

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a-, ab-, abs-
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-gate +
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rog-, roga-, -rogate, -rogation, -rogatory
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Word Entries at Get Words:
To annul or to abolish by authority; to cancel. (2)
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Word a Day Revisited Index of Cartoons Illustrating the Meanings of Words
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