Allen has always abominated loud music and could not be tempted to attend a rock concert in the local park.
A politician who is revered by his supporters is also often abominated by his opposition.
2. To detest thoroughly; to abhor: There is nothing that abominates Nellie more than the thought of eating raw meat.The crowd will be abominating the imposition of an early curfew by the local authorities.
The farmers have been abominating the hot and extremely dry weather.

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For the ancient Romans, an omen was a sign from the gods or a promise of good or a warning of evil.
Naturally, they turned away in fear from an evil omen. To express this aversion, they combined ab, "away" + omen, "a foreboding, foretelling", into the verb abominari, meaning "to deprecate as ominous", "to abhor"; with a past participle abominatus, the source of English abominate. The word has largely lost its original connotation of dread and has come to mean "to loathe, to hate, to despise".