In some religions, an ablution may be a prescribed washing of part or all of the body or of possessions, such as clothing or ceremonial objects with the intent of purification or dedication.
2. The liquid used in showering which may refer to the practice of removing sins, diseases, or earthly defilements through the use of ritual deputation or to become purified or cleansed: Before saying his prayers, Gregory used an ablution that represented the spiritual cleansing of his sins.Like most ritual acts, ablutions may carry a wide range of meanings for those who perform it, for example the act of cleansing may be only a gesture that is symbolic of a desired purity of the soul.
3. A scrubbing of a person's body or body parts; a bathing, a cleaning: Because of the heat, Charlene felt the need for a refreshing ablution.After consecutive ablutions at the sink, Pearl was finally able to wash the smell of garlic off her hands.
Gertrude's husband performed an ablution of his feet every night before going to bed.
4. Etymology: from Latin abluere, "to wash off"; ab-, "away" + luere, "to wash".Go to this Word A Day Revisited Index
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2. A washing or cleansing as a religious ceremony of purification; ceremonial washing, ritualistic washing: After his ablution in the river, the holy man continued on his journey.
There were many visitors to the religious shrine earlier and the water was obviously murky; so, some of the people decided not to take part in the ablution; however, they did participate in the absolution by the religious leader.