ven-, vent-, veni-, ventu-

(Latin: come, coming)

Ab inconvenienti (Latin phrase)
Translation: "From the inconvenience."

A discomfort, difficulty, or annoyance.

Used in law to state that a position is untenable because of the hardship or inconvenience it would create.

Marjory's lawyer appealed the sentence from the court, stating that it was ab inconvenienti because she needed to care for her children and her aged mother.

advene (verb), advenes; advened; advening
To accede or to be added to; to become a part of: Although neither essential nor necessary, an additional statement was advened to the letter.
advenement (s) (noun), advenements (pl)
That which comes or happens; an event, incident: The advenement of Jill's illness caused the family to postpone their trip to Canada.
advenient (adjective), more advenient, most advenient
Concerning something that originates from outward causes; additional; adventitious: Chuck's parents wondered if his bad behavior was advenient or was a flaw in his personality. or character.
Advent (proper noun)
1. In the ecclesiastical calendar, the season immediately preceding the festival of the Nativity: The family looked forward to the time of Advent which included the four preceding Sundays.
2. The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour of the world; the Incarnation: The Advent refers to the expected Second Coming as the Judge, and the Coming of the Holy Spirit, as at Pentecost.
3. Etymology: from Latin, adventus,, meaning "arrival".
advent (s) (noun), advents (pl)
Any important or epoch-making arrival; in modern usage applied poetically or grandiloquently to any arrival; onset: With the advent of the personal computer on the market, everyone stormed the stores in order to buy one!
Adventism (s) (noun) (no pl)
The doctrine of any Christian religion that the second coming of Christ is impending: Adventism relates to the Adventist Christian movement which was established in the 19th William Miller in the United States
Adventist (s) (noun), Adventists (pl)
A member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church; a person who believes in the Second Advent: Susan was an Adventist who had faith in the imminent advent of Christ.
adventitious (adjective), more adventitious, most adventitious
1. Referring to an addition from without; extrinsically added: The adventitious population in the big city is due to people coming from many different countries from around the world, while the minority of the population was born there.
2. Regarding something that appears sporadically, or out of the normal place: Jane noticed in her garden that some of the flowers she had planted in the fall were evidently quite adventitious and were suddenly appearing in a completely different spot!
3. Not natural or hereditary; pertaining to a growth in an unexpected place on a plant: Examples of such adventitious developments on organisms are roots that form on stems, an increase of hair where it usually is not found, or the development of a plant in a foreign habitat.

Adventitious roots, shoots, buds, etc. are produced in unusual parts of the plant.

adventitiously (adverb), more adventitiously, most adventitiously
Concerning how something happens by chance; accidentally; sporadically: Because the trains didn't always run according to the schedule, Jane traveled quite adventitiously and in a totally unplanned manner, and got to her destination a day late!
adventitiousness (s) (noun) ( no pl)
The quality or extent of something that happens by chance or accidentally: The adventitiousness of the flowers in Mary's garden was remarkable because she never knew what was going to appear in which spot in her flowerbed.
adventure (s) (noun), adventures (pl)
1. That which happens to a person, without design or chance: The little adventure Adam had of playing in the lottery for the first time brought him quite a fortune!
2. A chance occurrence, an event or issue, an accident: Bruce and Sally had an adventure the other day when they drove through the woods, had a flat tire, and met up with a bear!
3. A hazardous or perilous enterprise or performance: Some people seek adventure by racing yachts on wild and dangerous oceans!
4. Any novel or unexpected event in which one shares: When trying to find their way around in the foreign city, Jeffrey and Susan had an adventure of getting lost and then accidentally meeting someone from their home town!
5. The participation in risky, novel, and exciting events; enterprise: The little children were looking forward to going into the garden the first time without their parents and to the adventures awaiting them!
adventurer (s) (noun), adventurers (pl)
1. One who seeks risky ventures, or who engages in hazardous enterprises: Tom's brother was an adventurer who was always looking for success through daring exploits.
2. One who engages in warlike undertakings, one who makes war at his own risk. an individual who attaches himself to no party; a soldier of fortune: An adventurer can also be a person who tries to gain wealth unscrupulously.
3. One who is on the look-out for chances of personal advancement; one who lives by his wits: Doug loved being an adventurer by relying on his own mental ability and intelligence in order to be successful in keeping up his high standard of living.
adventuresome (adjective), more adventuresome, most adventuresome
Regarding a person who is given to running risks; adventurous, venturesome: Sometimes toddlers are very adventuresome in climbing up ladders or riding a bike for the very first time!
adventuress (s) (noun), adventuresses (pl)
1. A woman who looks for dangerous undertakings: Sally's neighbor was an adventuress who wanted lots of money and be socially accepted, and therefore pursued daring exploits or by using her charm and by scheming to get what she wanted.
2. A woman of questionable reputation or character who seeks personal advancement; demirep: Mary knew of a woman who aimed for personal advancement in her job by means of sexual activity with her boss.
3. A female varietist: There was a rumour going around in the neighbourhood that one of the wives was an adventuress who had sexual relationships with other men, and not only with her husband!