hem-, haem-, hemo-, haemo, hema-, haema-, hemato-, haemato-, hemat-, haemat-, -hemia, -haemia, -hemic, -haemic

(Greek: blood)

hemodialysis, haemodialysis (s); hemodialyses, haemodialyses (pl)
1. A procedure for removing metabolic waste products or toxic substances from the bloodstream by dialysis.
2. Dialysis of the blood to remove toxic substances or metabolic wastes from the bloodstream; used in the case of kidney failure.
3. The removal of certain elements from the blood by virtue of the difference in the rates of their diffusion through a semipermeable membrane.

Two distinct physical processes are involved, diffusion and ultrafiltration; also called, dialysis, kidney dialysis, and renal dialysis.

hemodialyzer, haemodialyzer
1. A machine for performing hemodialysis in acute or chronic renal failure. Also called, artificial kidney.
2. A machine that uses dialysis to remove impurities and waste products from the bloodstream before returning the blood to the patient's body.
3. An apparatus by which hemodialysis may be performed; blood is brought in contact with a semipermeable membrane on whose other side is a dialysate solution composed to secure diffusion of certain elements out of the blood; artificial kidney.
1. An increase in the volume of plasma, resulting in a reduced concentration of red blood cells in blood.
2. An increase of the fluid content of the blood with a resulting decrease in the concentration of its erythrocytes.
hemodynamic, haemodynamic
1. A reference to the movements involved in the circulation of the blood.
2. Relating to or functioning in the mechanics of blood circulation.
hemodynamics, haemodynamics
1. The study of the forces involved in the circulation of blood.
2. The study of the movements of the blood and of the forces concerned therein.
hemodystrophy, hematodystrophy
Any disease or abnormal condition of the blood and hemopoietic tissues, exclusive of simple transitory changes.
hemoflagellate, haemoflagellate
Any flagellate microorganism parasitic in the blood, especially protozoa of the suborder Trypanosomatina.
hemogenesis, haemogenesis; hematogenesis, haematogenesis
The formation of blood cells in the living body; especially, in the bone marrow; also, hematopoiesis, haematopoiesis, hemopoiesis, haemopoiesis, sanguification.

In the embryo and fetus it takes place in a variety of sites including the liver, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, and bone marrow; from birth throughout the rest of one's life it is mainly in the bone marrow with a small amount occurring in lymph nodes.

hemoglobin, haemoglobin (s) (noun); hemoglobins; haemoglobins (pl)
The red coloring matter of the red corpuscles in the blood: Hemoglobin in the blood combines with oxygen and carries it around the body, for example from the lungs to the tissues, and carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs.
hemoglobinemia (s) (noun) (no pl)
The presence of excessive hemoglobin in the blood plasma: Hemoglobinemia is the existence of free hemoglobin in the blood plasma resulting from the solution of hemoglobin out of the red blood cells or from their disintegration.
hemoglobinolysis, haemoglobinolysis (s) (noun) (no pl)
Destruction or chemical splitting of haemoglobin: Hemoglobinolysis can be described as the lysis of hemoproteins that consist of globin and heme that give red blood cells their typical and special color.
hemoglobinometer (s) (noun), hemoglobinometers (pl)
An instrument for measuring the hemoglobin of the blood; hæmochromometer: A medical device called a hemoglobinometer was used by Dr. Thompson to determine the concentration of haemoglobin in Sally's blood.
hemoglobinometry (s) (noun) (no pl)
The measurement of the hemoglobin in the blood: Dr. Mason checked the hemoglobinometry in Grace's blood after the haemoglobin had been changed to cyanmethemoglobin.
hemoglobinopathy, haemoglobinopathy (s) (noun); hemoglobinopathies; haemoglobinopathies (pl)
A blood disorder which is caused by a genetically determined change in the molecular structure of hemoglobin: Hemoglobinopathy is an ailment due to abnormalities in the hemoglobin molecule, the best known being "sickle cell anemia" in which there is a single amino acid substitution ("valine" for "glutamate") in position six of the beta chain. In other cases one of the globin chains is synthesised at a slower rate, despite being normal in structure.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving "blood" word units: angi-; apheresis; -emia; hemoglobin-; phleb-; sangui-; vas-; vascul-.