encephalo-, encephal-

(Greek: brain; that which is inside the head)

I use not only all the brains I have, but all I can borrow.
—Woodrow Wilson
electroencephalography, EEG
1. The recording of the electric currents developed in the brain, by means of electrodes applied to the scalp, to the surface of the brain (intracranial) or placed within the substance of the brain (depth).
2. A method of graphically recording the electric activities of the brain, particularly the cerebral cortex, with electrodes attached to the scalp.

This process is used in the diagnosis of epilepsy, trauma, tumors, and degenerations of the brain; as well as, in the study of the effects of drugs on the central nervous system and certain psychological and physiological functions.

3. Amplification, recording, and analysis of the electrical activity of the brain. The record that is produced is called an electroencephalogram.

Electrodes are placed on the scalp in various locations and the difference between the electric potential of two sites is recorded. The difference between one pair or among many pairs at a time can be determined.

The use of this diagnostic technique has proven to be very helpful in studying epilepsy and convulsive disorders and in localizing lesions in the cerebrum.

4. The process of recording brain wave activity by attaching electrodes to various areas of the patient's head with collodion (highly flammable, colorless or yellowish syrupy solution of pyroxylin, ether, and alcohol, used as an adhesive).

During the procedure, the patient must remain quiet, with eyes closed, and not talk or move.

In certain cases prescribed activities; especially, hyperventilation, may be requested by the technician.

The test is used to diagnose seizure disorders, brainstem disorders, focal lesions, and impaired consciousness.

During neurosurgery, the electrodes can be applied directly to the surface of the brain (intracranial electroencephalography) or placed within the brain tissue (depth electroencephalography) in order to detect any lesions or tumors that might exist.

encephalalgia (s) (noun) (no pl)
Rare, a deep-seated head pain; a severe headache: Dr. Mathews told Tim that he definitely needed rest, no cellphone games or the like, and no bright lights to get over his encephalalgia. He should also drink a lot of tea or water and take his medication regularly.
Cerebral atrophy (wasting; a decrease in size of the main portion of the brain).
encephalitis (s) (noun), encephalitides (pl)
Inflammation of the brain, usually caused by a viral infection.
An agent that evokes encephalitis, particularly with reference to the antigen which produces experimental allergic encephalomyelitis.
Tending to cause encephalitis; such as, an encephalitogenic strain of a virus.
A hernia of the brain through a congenital or traumatic opening in the cranium.
A reference to anything that is destructive of brain tissue.
encephalodynia (s) (noun) (no pl)
Pain in the head; headache; Dr. Porter told Jane that there were many reasons for a case of encephalodynia being stress, muscle tension, or an infection, among others.
The record obtained by encephalography (radiographic representation of the brain).
Radiographic examination of the brain in which some of the cerebrospinal fluid is replaced with air or another gas that acts as a contrasting medium.
1. Resembling the brain or brain substance.
2. Resembling the material of the brain; cerebriform.
The science which treats of the brain, its structure and functions.
1. A brain tumor.
2. A hernia of the brain.
3. Any swelling or tumor of the brain.
1. Softening of brain tissue, usually caused by vascular insufficiency or degenerative changes.
2. A softness or degeneration of brain tissue, as caused by impairment of the blood supply; softening of the brain.