dermo-, derm-, derma-, dermato-, dermat-, -derm, -derma, -dermatic, -dermatous, -dermis, -dermal, -dermic, -dermoid, -dermatoid

(Greek: skin)

chrysoderma (s) (noun), chrysodermas (pl) (pl)
A pigmentation or discoloration of the skin which is caused by the use of gold preparations: Chrysodermas are usually existing in spots here and there and are made worse when exposed to sunlight.

Chrysoderma can have a permanent gray to light purple color on the face, eyelids, and other sun-exposed areas of a person's body.

chyloderma, elephantiasis scroti
Swelling of the scrotum resulting from chronic lymphatic obstruction.

elephantiasis is a chronic obstruction of the lymphatics with hypertrophy (swelling) of the skin and subcutaneous tissues (pachyderma); usually affecting dependent areas such as the upper or lower limbs, or external genitalia.

Bear-baiting using dogs.
The layer of tissue (chiefly connective tissue) lying beneath the epidermis, and forming the general integument of the organs; the true skin or corium.
The removal of superficial layers of the skin with a rapidly revolving abrasive tool.
Toward the skin or outer integument.
An instrument for marking the skin.
The marking of the skin which is seen after rubbing the skin firmly with a blunted point.
A condition in which the skin is peculiarly susceptible to signs of irritation; such as, with red coloring.
Hyperemia (excess blood, engorgement) of the skin.
dermal (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Pertaining to the skin or outer integument in general; Little Mary was using her dermal muscles of her face to make very funny expressions causing everybody at the party to laugh.
2. Pertaining to the derma or true skin, as opposed to epidermal: In class, Tony learned that the dermal layer of skin was beneath the epidermis, being the protective outer layer of skin.
1. Kneading or massaging the skin.
2. Stroking or caressing the skin.