cicatri-, cicatr- +

(Latin: scar)

brain cicatrix
A scar in the brain.
Excision of a cicatrix or a scar.
cicatrices (pl)
Scars, the plural of cicatrix.
cicatricial (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to the nature of a scar, or a cicatrix: Lynn's wrist showed a cicatricial defect or mark on her skin.
cicatricial alpecia
Loss of hair due to the formation of scar tissue.
1. The germinating point in the embryo of a seed.
2. The fetal point in the yolk of an egg at which development begins.
The incision (cutting with a sharp instrument) of a cicatrix.
1. A small cicatrix or scar.
2. A round white spot on the surface of the vitellus of birds' eggs which undergoes partial or incomplete segmentation.
Contraction of fibrous tissue, formed at a wound site by fibroblasts, reducing the size of the wound but causing tissue distortion and disfigurement.

This was once thought to be the result of the contraction of collagen but now it is known to be a result of cellular activity.

Forming a scar after an injury.
cicatrix (s)
A scar.
cicatrizant, cicatrisant
An agent that promotes cicatrization or scar formation.
1. The formation of a cicatrix or a scar; scarring, scarification.
2. The process of scar evolution associated with a wound contraction.

In some societies, a smooth, unmarked skin represents an ideal of beauty; however, there are some people in other cultures who see smooth skin as an unfinished surface.

Scarification body art alters the skin's texture by cutting the skin and controlling the body's healing process.

The incisions, which are treated to prevent infection and to enhance the scars' visibility, leave a greater visibility of the scars after the skin heals.

Inserting substances like clay or ash in the wounds results in permanently raised weals or bumps, known as keloids, or cheloids, (a red, raised formation of fibrous scar tissue caused by excessive tissue repair in response to a surgical incision or cuts).

Substances inserted into the wounds may also result in a different skin color, which leave patterns similar to tattoos.

cicatrization of scars
The tendency of a scar to contract in the surface area and thereby increasing in thickness.
To heal in a way that results in the formation of a cicatrix or scar.

Cross references directly, or indirectly, involving the "skin": callus-; chorio-; cori-; cuti-; hymen-; lepido- (scab, scale); papulo- (pimple); psoro- (itch, mange); pustu- (blister, pimple); rhytid- (wrinkle); scabio- (mange, itchy); sebo- (grease, oil).