social-, socia-, soci-, socio- +

(Latin: companion, partner, ally, comrade; interpersonal relationships, living with others, allied, associated; characterized by friendliness or geniality)

anthroposociologist (s) (noun), anthroposociologists (pl)
Someone who researches the effects that the environments have on people and how they respond to to them.
anthroposociology (s) (noun), anthroposociologies (pl)
The study of the reciprocal action of the human race and the environment: Anthroposociology involves the sociological study of the physical characteristics of people including social groups and the classifications of human races.
asocial (adjective), more asocial, most asocial
1. Referring to the condition of being unable or unwilling to conform to normal standards of behavior with other people: Helena was a very asocial individual who always did what she wanted despite what was typically acceptable by others.
2. Pertaining to the inconsideration of others and more interested in oneself than in other people: Hector’s mother was always cautioning him not to be such an asocial person when he was playing with other children on the playground.
1. To join as a partner, ally, or friend.
2. To connect or join together; to combine.
3. To connect in the mind or imagination.
4. To connect one thing with another in the mind.
5. To spend time together with someone.
6. To be involved with someone or something in a personal or professional capacity.
1. An organized body of people who have an interest, activity, or purpose in common; such as, a society.
2. A mental connection or relation between thoughts, feelings, ideas, or sensations.
3. A remembered or imagined feeling, emotion, idea, or sensation linked to a person, object, or idea.
4. In chemistry, any of various processes of combination; such as, hydration, solvation, or complex-ion formation; depending on relatively weak chemical bonding.
5. A large number of organisms in a specific geographic area constituting a community with one or two dominant species.
Characterized by, resulting from, or causing an association.
1 Relating to association, especially of ideas or images.
2 Characterized by dependence on or being acquired by association or learning.
biopsychosocial (adjective)
Involving interplay of biological, psychological, and social influences: "Janine's psychiatrist was explaining that the mind and the body can't be treated as separate entities because they function together as a unit."
1. Of or pertaining to the interaction of biological and social factors.
2. Relating to, or involving, an interaction or combination of social and biological factors.
1. To enter or welcome somebody into a friendly association or alliance.
2. To bring or come into friendly or cooperative association.
1. A friendly association or alliance.
2. An ecological community that has one dominant species; such as, a forest consisting predominantly of beech trees.
3. A grouping of political parties or pressure groups within a region or country that work together to share power.
4. An association of churches or religious societies, especially Congregational churches in New England and Presbyterian churches.
Removal from a customary social environment: "Imprisonment is an example of the desocialization of inmates."
desocialize, desocialise (British)
To remove from a customary social environment.
1. To end an association with another person or group.
2. To deny any connection or involvement with someone or something.
1. The termination of an association with another person or group.
2. The denial of any connection or involvement with someone or something else.
3. The state of being unconnected in memory or imagination.
4. A state in which some integrated part of a person's life becomes separated from the rest of the personality and functions independently.