gods and goddesses from Greek and Latin Myths

(mythology for all seasons)

Greek and Roman gods

Knowledge about Greek deities came primarily from Greek drama and the epic verse that was performed at public festivals. The most significant early epics about the Olympian gods were composed about the eighth century B.C. Centuries before the conquest of Greece in 146 A.D., the Romans had adopted many of the Greek gods to supplement their own rather insignificant, formless pantheon of divinities.

The Romans didn't stop at importing Greek gods; in fact, they adopted the gods and goddesses of several of the other people that they conquered.

Pointing to myth units The mythico- words unit.

A cross reference of word units that are related, directly or indirectly, to the: "moon": Calendar, Moon Facts; Chemical Element: selenium; luna, luni-; Luna, the earth moon; menisc-; meno-; Planets in Motion; plano-; seleno-.