psych-, psycho-, -psyche, -psychic, -psychical, -psychically

(Greek: mind, spirit, consciousness; mental processes; the human soul; breath of life; literally, "that which breathes" or "breathing")

A prefix that is normally used with elements of Greek origin, psych- affects the meanings of hundreds of words.

Etymologically, this element includes such meanings as, breath, to breathe, life, soul, spirit, mind, consciousness.

panpsychism (s) (noun), panpsychisms (pl)
The theory that all matter, or all nature, is itself psychical, or has a psychical aspect; that atoms and molecules, as well as plants and animals, have a rudimentary life of sensation, feeling, and impulse that bears the same relation to their movements just as the psychical life of human beings does to their objective activities.
1. The science or study of phenomena that lie outside the sphere of orthodox psychology.
2. The study of extrasensory perception, such as thought transference (telepathy) and clairvoyance.
3. The branch of psychology dealing with the study of psychic phenomena; such as, extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, and telepathy, that appear to fall beyond the scope of physical law.
pathopsychology (s) (noun) (no pl)
The psychology of mental illnesses: Jack was interested in the mental ailments of people which were caused by infections and other disorders, so he decided to specialize in pathopsychology.
pathopsychosis (s) (noun), pathopsychoses (pl)
A psychosis originating from an organic illness: A pathopsychosis involves bodily functions such as those arising from brain tumors or encephalitis.
1. A psychosis caused by or related to taking a drug.
2. Any psychosis due to alcohol, drugs, or poisons.
3. Toxic psychosis due to drugs or poisons.
Pertaining to both mind and body.
1. Having many souls, many-souled.
2. The belief in a multiplicity of souls in one person.
3. The belief in a multiplicity of spiritual beings as the causes of natural phenomena.
4. A belief that humans have several souls or modes of intelligence.
prepsychotic (adjective) (not comparable)
Relating to symptoms, or to the period of time, prior to the onset of a psychosis: Dr. Smithson's opinion of Tom's prepsychotic behaviour, loss of contact with reality, and disorganized speech denoted that his mental condition needed help immediately!
The bringing of so-called traumatic experiences and their affective associations into consciousness by interview, hypnosis, or the use of drugs; such as, sodium amytal.
1. Short for psychology or psychiatry.
2. Psychical research.
3. A psychologist, psychiatrist, or psychoanalyst.
4. When used as a verb: To influence (someone) psychologically; to excite, stimulate; to prepare (oneself or another) mentally for a special effort or the like; to gain a psychological advantage over, to intimidate, to demoralize.
Attractive; persuasive; inspiring.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving the "mind, mental" word units: anima-; anxi-; deliri-; hallucina-; menti-; moro-; noo-; nous; phreno-; thymo-2.

Word units related to breath and breathe: hal-; pneo-; pneumato-; pneumo-; spiro.