platy-, plat-, platino-, platt-
(Greek: broad, wide; flat, level)
2. A flat surface, usually black and sometimes incorporating the use of mirrors or transparent covers, used to collect solar energy.
2. Plating from an aqueous solution on any surface, caused by an autocatalytic chemical reduction.
3. The deposition of a metallic coating, usually nickel, on a component by chemical means rather than by electroplating.
The component is immersed in a solution containing a reducing agent.
4. A chemical reduction process which, once initiated, is autocatalytic or something whose occurrence at one point increases the probability that it will occur again at another point.The process is similar to electroplating except that no outside current is needed and the metal ions are reduced by chemical agents in the plating solutions, and deposit on the substrate.
An advantage of electroless plating with current is that there is a more uniform thickness of the surface coating.
2. To effect the transfer of one metal to another one by using electrolysis.
3. To apply a metallic coating on a conductive surface with electrolytic actions.
2. The electrodeposition of an adherent metal coating onto a conductive object for protection, decoration, or for other reasons; such as, securing a surface with properties or dimension that are different from those of the basic metal.
3. Electrodeposition (deposit on an electrode by electrolysis) of a metal or alloy from a suitable electrolyte solution.
The article to be plated is connected as the cathode in the electrolyte solution while direct electrical current is introduced through the anode which consists of the metal to be deposited.
4. The art or process of depositing a coating or cover; for example, silver, gold, or nickel on an inferior metal, by means of an electric current.The metal to be deposited on an article is usually used as the anode and the article to be plated as the cathode, in an electrolyte solution in which the plating metal is the cation.
2. A table setting or cutlery that is made by the process of chemically or electronically bonding a thin layer of a valuable metal onto a less valuable base metal: The host set the table with the old family plate.
3. Any of large movable segments of the earth's surface that shift during an earthquake: The seismologist studied the plate in the temblor-prone area of the desert.
4. The dish which is passed among people for collections, often in a religious context: The ushers passed the plate for contributions to support the church fund.
When the female potter works, she keeps her plait of hair tied up so it won't get caught on the potter’s wheel. In fact, Karin has been making a large plate with a pleat style crimping of the edge.