phyto-, phyt-, -phyte

(Greek: a plant; growth; growing in a specified way or place; to produce)

phytocide, phytocidal
Lethal or injurious to plants.
phytodetritus (s) (noun), phytodetrita (pl)
Organic waste material produced by the disintegration and decomposition of vegetable organisms: Mildred had a pile of decomposing phytodetrita which consisted of dead weeds and grass which she had dug up from her garden space so she could start cultivating some vegetables and strawberries.
“Plant (eating) lizards” a taxon proposed to include prosauropods, sauropods, and ornithischians forming a group of herbivores.
phytogeographer (s) (noun), phytogeographers (pl)
A specialist in the biogeography of plants: Greg's father was a phytogeographer and gave lectures on the geographical distribution of vegetation and the effects of geographical features on animal and plant life.
phytogeographist (s) (noun), phytogeographists (pl)
Someone who writes descriptions about the geographical distribution of plants: In comparison to Greg's father, Mr. Timmons was a phytogeographist who had published many articles about the geographical scattering or spreading of plants.
phytogeography (s) (noun), phytogeographies (pl)
In biology, the science pertaining to the geographical spreading of plants; geobotany: Phytogeography is mainly a descriptive version about plants being either indigenous, or whether they were brought into an area by some means, and where they came from.
phytoglyphy, phytoglyphic
Nature-printing, as originally used for plants.