meter-, metro-, metr-, -metrical, -metrically, -metron, -metric, -metrist, -meter, -meters, -metry, -metre

(Greek: measure)

Obsolete term for pathologic softening of the uterine tissues.
1. A mania for writing poetry.
2. A mania for writing poetic verses.
1. Derived from the name of a mother or other female ancestor; especially, by the addition of a suffix or prefix which indicates descent.
2. Also applied to a people or state of society where such a system of naming prevails.
3. A name derived from that of a mother or maternal ancestor.
metroperitoneal (adjective) (not comparable)
1. A reference to a woman's uterus and peritoneum (the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and covers most of the abdominal organs): When Jenny was at the gynaecologist's, she was told that the metroperitoneal area in her body was totally healthy and that she could have a child whenever she wanted to!
2. Etymology: from the Greek peri-, meaning "around" + tonos, "a stretching" = "a stretching around".
Inflammation of the uterus and its peritoneal covering.
Inflammation of the uterine veins, usually following childbirth.
metrophobia (s) (noun) (no plural)
An undue dread of poetry: Some people have difficulties understanding poems, or literature written in metrical forms, and become very nervous and agitated when listening to such verses because they suffer from metrophobia.
metrostasis (s) (noun), metrostases (pl)
A condition whereas the length of a muscle fiber is comparatively fixed, and at which span limit it contracts and then relaxes: When Marge was reading her book on medicine, she came across the section on tendons, sinews, and connective tissues and how they relate to metrostasis which allows people to move their bodies.
1. The oozing of blood from the mucous membrane of the uterus.
2. A slight but continuous uterine hemorrhage.

Related "measure" and "metric" words and charts: mens-; Metric Chart of Units; Metric-Length Converter; Metric Units and Links.