melior-, meliorat-

(Latin: better, to make better; to improve)

Meliorem lapsa locavit.
He has planted one better than the one fallen.

Motto on the Seal of the State of South Carolina, U.S.A., and on the Great Seal of the Northwest Territory, USA.

meliorism (s) (noun), meliorisms (pl)
1. A belief in progress and improvement.
2. The belief that human society has a natural tendency to improve and that people can consciously assist this process.
3. The belief that improvement of society depends on human effort.
meliorist, melioristic
A disputant who advocates reform with the belief that human society can improve and that people can aid in making it better for everyone.
The state or quality of being better; melioration.
Incapable of making anything better or being highly unlikely that something can improve.

Pointing to a page about meliorative words The words in the pejorative unit are antonyms of these ameliorative, meliorative words.