
(Greek: a suffix; pertaining to; of the nature of, like; in chemistry, it denotes a higher valence of the element than is expressed by -ous)

1. Relating to an instrument for examining the interior of the bronchi.
2. A reference to a flexible tubular instrument that is inserted into the trachea for diagnosis and for removing inhaled objects.
Characterized by or referring to buboes.
1. Relating to or characteristic of the countryside or country life; such as, a writer of bucolic poems.
2. A reference to shepherds: relating to or characteristic of shepherds, herdsmen, or flocks.
3. A reference to, or suggesting an idyllic rural life.
4. Etymology: from Latin bucolicus, from Greek boukolikos, "rustic", from boukolos, "herdsman", from bous, "cow" + -kolos, "tending", related to Latin colere, "to till (the ground), to cultivate, to dwell, to inhabit".
1. Anyone who has bulimia.
2. Someone who has a mental illness in which she, or he, eats uncontrollably and in large amounts, then vomits to remove the food.
Relating to or containing butter; or derived from butter.
butyrophilic (adjective), more butyrophilic, most butyrophilic
A reference to a fondness for butter: Jane wondered how many cups of butyrophilic shortening were needed in making a German chocolate cake.
1. Pertaining to byssinosis.
2. Someone who is affected with byssinosis.
cachectic (adjective), more cachectic, most cachectic
Relating to or descriptive of a generally unhealthy condition: During most of her life, Madeline experienced a cachectic existence because she has been suffering from a variety of illnesses.
A reference to, or relating to, evil spirits.
cacogastric (adjective), more cacogastric, most cacogastric
Descriptive of a troubled or deranged stomach or bad digestion: The man sitting next to Karl on the subway appeared to have a cacogastric stomach problem because he explained that he had to take some peptic medication for it.
cacogenic (adjective), more cacogenic, most cacogenic
Giving rise to or producing a deteriorated human or their offspring: The medical doctor was researching the factors that caused the cacogenic condition of his patient."
caconymic (adjective), more caconymic, most caconymic
1. Characteristic of a taxonymic name that is objectionable for linguistic reasons.
2. Reference to a wrong (bad) name for something; especially, in the classification of plants and animals.
cacophrenic (adjective), more cacophrenic, most cacophrenic
Pertaining to a mental illness: Tom's wife was having a cacophrenic condition after doing too much exercise at the fitness studio.