Word Unit: splendo-, splend- + (Latin: to shine, shining; to gleam, to glisten; illustrious; bright; brilliant, brilliance; magnificent, sumptuous)

Etymologically related "light, shine, glow" word families: ethero-; fulg-; luco-; lumen-, lum-; luna, luni-; lustr-; phengo-; pheno-; phospho-; photo-; scinti-, scintill-.

Word Unit: spleno-, splen-, splenico-, spleni-, -splenism, -splenia, -splenic (Greek: spleen, "the inward parts;" the elongated accessory lymphatic organ of the vascular [blood] system)
Word Unit: Splogs (used to attract ad-clicking visitors, content must be created, begged, borrowed, or most commonly, simply stolen)
Word Unit: spodo-, spod- (Greek: ashes; waste materials)

Cross references of word groups that are related, directly, indirectly, or partly to: "fire, burn, glow, or ashes": ars-, ard-; -bust; cand-, cend-; caust-, caut-; crema-; ciner-; ether-; flagr-; flam-; focus, foci-; fulg-; gehenna-; ign-; phleg-; phlog-; pyreto-, -pyrexia; pyr-; volcan-.

Word Unit: spond-, spon-, spons-, -spondence, -spondent,
-spondency, -spondencies
(Latin: to bind oneself; to pledge; to promise solemnly; to adopt and support a cause)
Word Unit: spondylo-, spondyl- (Greek: spine, spinal column, vertebra)
Word Unit: spongi-, spongio-, spong-, spongo- + (Greek > Latin: sponge)
Word Unit: sporo-, spor-, spori-, -sporium (Greek: seed, seeding; a sowing; a crop; seedtime)
Word Unit: Sporozoa, Parasitic Protozoans (All sporozoa are parasitic)
Word Unit: Sport (Latin > French: to seek amusement, literally, "to carry oneself in the opposite direction")
Word Unit: spous- (Latin: betrothed man, groom; betrothed woman, bride; both come from sponsus, past participle of spondere, "to promise, betroth" from Old French, espous [masculine, male]; espouse [feminine, female])
This spous- unit is directly related to the spond-, spons- unit.
Word Unit: spurci- + (Latin: dirty, foul, impure; spurcus, spurcitia)
Word Unit: sput- + (Latin: spit, saliva, expectorated matter)

Other related saliva and/or spittle units: ptyalo-; salivo-; sialo-.

Word Unit: squam- + (Latin: scale; like scales)
Word Unit: stalac-, stalag- (Greek > Latin: dropping, dripping; trickling; to drip, to drop, to trickle)

Related "cave, cavern" word sources: cav-, cavern; speleo-; spelunc-, spelunk-; troglo-.
Word Unit: Stalactites, Stalagmites, and Stalacto-Stalagmites (also known as "dripstones")
Word Unit: -stalsis, -staltic (suffix) (Greek: contraction; to gather, to constrict)
Word Unit: Standard English and Nonstandard English (just what authority makes English standard and where does that authority come from?)
Word Unit: staphyl-, staphylo- + (Greek: bunch of grapes, uvula [that which resembles a grape hanging from a stock]; staphylococci, grape-shaped bacteria occurring in irregular clusters)

Cross references of word families that are derived directly, or indirectly, from: "grape, grapes": acin-; racem-; uveo-; uvul-.

Word Unit: stato-, stat-, sta-, -static, -stasi, staso-, -stasis, -stasia, -stacy, -stitute, -stitution, -sist (Latin: standing, to stay, to make firm, fixed; cause to stand, to put, to place, to put in place, to remain in place; to stand still)

Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: fix-; pon-; prosth-; the-, thes-.