Word Unit: nomo-, nom-, -nomy, -onomy, -nome, -nomic, -nomous, -nomical, -nomically (Greek: law, order, arrangement, systematized knowledge of [something]; usage)
Word Unit: non- + (Latin: nothing, not)
Word Unit: nona-, noni-, non- (Latin: nine)
Word Unit: noo- + (Greek: mind, thought; intellect)

Related mind, mental-word units: anima-; anxi-; hallucina-; menti-; nous; phreno-; psych-; thymo-2.

Word Unit: norm-, normo- (Latin: rule, pattern; normalis, "right angled, made according to a carpenter's or mason's square"; then, "conforming to common standards, usual")
Word Unit: Noroviruses (a group of viruses which are a common cause of gastroenteritis, or "stomach flu")
Word Unit: nosocome-, nosocom-, nosokome-, noskom- (Greek: hospital, infirmary; place for the treatment of diseases)
Word Unit: Nosology and why diseases expanded around the world (diseases spread as mankind congregated into a squalor of cities)
Word Unit: nosto-, nost- (Greek: return home)

Related "home; house" word units: domo-; ecdemo-; eco-.

Word Unit: not-, nosc-, nit- (Latin: from gnoscere, to come to know, to get to know, to get acquainted [with]; know, learn; mark, sign; and cognoscere, to get to know, to recognize)
Word Unit: notero-, noter-, -notero -noter + (Greek: noteros, moist, moisture, damp, dampness, wet)
Word Unit: noto-, not- (Greek: the back)
Word Unit: nounc-, nunci-, nunti- (Latin: messenger, message; make known, announce)
Word Unit: nous-, nou-, noe-, noes-, noet-, -noia + (Greek: mind, intellect; the reason; common sense)

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving the "mind, mental" word units: anima-; anxi-; deliri-; hallucina-; menti-; moro-; noo-; phreno-; psych-; thymo-2.

Word Unit: nov-, novo-, novi- (Latin: new, recent)

Cross references of word families related to: "new, recent": cen-, ceno-; ne-, neo-.

Word Unit: novem- (Latin: nine; a number used as a prefix)
Word Unit: novercal-, noverca- (Latin: stepmother)
Word Unit: nox-, noxi-, noc-, nui-, nec- (Latin: harmful, to do harm; injury, injurious; hurt, damage)

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "wound, harm, hurt, injure": noci-; traumat-; vulner-.

Word Unit: nu [NYOO]; Ν, ν + (Greek: the thirteenth letter of the Greek alphabet; Ν, ν)