Word Unit: English and Its Historical Development, Part 28 (the uniformity of American English is largely a result of the improved modes of travel and communication)
Word Unit: English and Its Historical Development, Part 29 (the space-age generation continues to utilize terms from Latin and Greek origins)
Word Unit: English and Its Historical Development: Tacitus Describes the Rebellion of Boudicca (Cornelius Tacitus, approximately A.D. 55 to A.D. 117, a Roman historian who wrote about the Rebellion of Boudicca, A.D. 60-61)
Word Unit: English Chronology (events that have affected England and, sometimes, the English language through the centuries)
Word Unit: English Communication (information about English words and communication)
Word Unit: English History and its Development References (references, or bibliography, used as sources of information)
Word Unit: English History and Its Language Development: INDEX or Table of Contents (highlights of illustrated historical events for a better comprehension of the historical periods which contributed to the development of the English language)
Word Unit: English Language: Global Perspecitves (globalization of the English language as presented from various international perspectives)
Word Unit: English Language: Global Perspective from Mongolia, Part 1 (Mongolian leaders believe that English is the key to economic progress)
Word Unit: English Language: Global Perspective from Mongolia, Part 2 (the English language is viewed as a ticket to the future in Mongolia and other countries)
Word Unit: English Language: Global Perspective in Poland (retired educators teach English in the Polish countryside)
Word Unit: English Language: Number of Words (an accurate count is impossible)
Word Unit: English-Word Etymology Info about a Wide Spectrum of English Words (English Comes from Many Sources)
Word Unit: enigma- (Greek ainigma > Latin aenigma: dark saying, riddle, fable; from ainissesthai, "to speak darkly, to speak in riddles")
Word Unit: ennea-, enne- (Greek: nine)
Word Unit: -enni-, -ennial, -ennium (Latin: year, years)
Word Unit: enoptro- (Greek: mirror; visible in [a thing]; seen in [something])

Related "mirror" word families: catoptro-; eisoptro-; mirac-, mir-.

Word Unit: -ent (Latin: adjective suffix signifying action or being; performing a particular acion)
Word Unit: enter-, entero- (Greek: intestine, gut)

Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "internal organs, entrails, inside": ent-; fistul-; incret-; inter-; intra-; splanchn-; viscer-.