Word Unit: Chemical Element: lawrencium (Modern Latin: chemical element; named for Ernest Lawrence, an American physicist and inventor of the cyclotron; radioactive metal)
Word Unit: Chemical Element: lead, plumbum, Pb (Anglo-Saxon: lead; the symbol is from the Latin plumbum, "lead")
Word Unit: Chemical Element: lithium (Modern Latin: chemical element; from Greek, lithos, "stone, stony"; metal)
Word Unit: Chemical Element: lutetium (Modern Latin: chemical element; from Gaulish-Latin, Lutetia, a fortified town of a Gaulish tribe of the Parisii, the ancient name of Paris; rare earth)
Word Unit: Chemical Element: magnesium (Modern Latin: chemical element; from Latin, Magnesia, a district in Asia Minor; metal)
Word Unit: Chemical Element: manganese (Latin: magnes, "magnet"; because of confusion with magnetic iron ores; or magnesia nigri, meaning "black magnesia"; metal)
Word Unit: Chemical Element: meitnerium (Latin: named for Lise Meitner, an Austrian physicist; radioactive metal)
Word Unit: Chemical Element: mendelevium (Modern Latin: chemical element; named in honor of Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeléyev, a Russian chemist who contributed so much to the development of the periodic table; radioactive metal)
Word Unit: Chemical Element: mercury (Latin: named for the Roman god Mercurius; the symbol is from Latin hydrargyrum, "liquid silver"; liquid metal)
Word Unit: Chemical Element: molybdenum (Modern Latin: chemical element; from Greek, molybdos, "lead"; metal)
Word Unit: Chemical Element: neodymium (Modern Latin: chemical element; from Greek, neo, "new" plus didymon, "twin" [with the element praseodymium]; rare earth)
Word Unit: Chemical Element: neon (Greek: neo, "new" or the "new one"; gas)
Word Unit: Chemical Element: neptunium (Modern Latin: named for the planet Neptune, the first planet beyond Uranus; radioactive metal)
Word Unit: Chemical Element: nickel (German: Nickel, name for "Satan"; kupfernickel, meaning "Devil’s copper" or "St Nicholas’s (Old Nick’s) copper"; metal)
Word Unit: Chemical Element: niobium (Modern Latin: named for the goddess, Niobe, daughter of Tantalus. This element is also known as columbium; metal)
Word Unit: Chemical Element: nitrogen (Latin: "forming niter", or “niter producer”; because niter, a mineral properly called potassium nitrate, and contains nitrogen, a compound of nitrogen; gas)
Word Unit: Chemical Element: nobelium (Modern Latin: chemical element; named in honor of Alfred Nobel; the discovery was made at the Nobel Institute; radioactive metal)
Word Unit: Chemical Element: osmium (Modern Latin: from Greek, osme, "smell", "malodorousness", "stink"; metal)
Word Unit: Chemical Element: oxygen (Greek: oxys, "sharp", plus gen, "forming"; from the incorrect belief that oxygen forms acids; gas)
Word Unit: Chemical Element: palladium (Modern Latin: from Greek, named in honor of the asteroid Pallas, which was discovered at about the same time; and for Pallas, the Greek goddess of wisdom; metal)