german-, germano- +

(Latin: pertaining to the Teutonic people of central Europe [possibly from a Celtic word meaning "neighbor"], similar to Old Irish gair, "neighbor"; pertaining to Germany)

1. An ancient region of central Europe north of the Danube and east of the Rhine which was never under Roman control.
2. A part of the Roman Empire west of the Rhine River corresponding to present-day northeast France, sections of Belgium, and the Netherlands.
1. A word or phrase borrowed or adapted from the German language.
2. A custom or trait associated with German culture or people.
3. Fondness for Germany and all, or most, things German.
A student of or specialist in the German language, literature, and culture.
germanize, germanization
1. To adopt German styles, tastes, institutions, or customs, or introduce them into something.
2. To reason or write after the manner of the Germans.
3. To make German, or like what is distinctively German; such as, to Germanize a province, a language, or a society.
A mania or excessive interest in things German.
One who admires Germany, its people, and its culture.
Germanophobia (s) (noun) (no plural)
An intense dislike of Germany, its people, its culture, its language, or of German ideas: Thomas was very troubled with Germanophobia until he met Heike and Gretel, who gave him a completely different impression of the country and its wonderful food and way of life.