geo-, ge- +

(Greek: earth, land, soil; world; Gaia (Greek), Gaea (Latin), "earth goddess")

geopressure (s) (noun), geopressures (pl)
The pressure or force within the planet Earth, or formation of pressure: Geopressure is located beneath the surface of the Earth, especially as a pressure of greater than usual strength existing in a subsurface formation, for example, a fluid deposit that is under very high pressure because it carries part of the overburden load.
geopressured brine (s) (noun), geopressured brines (pl)
A reservoir of subsurface saline water existing at very high pressure and offering the potential for geothermal energy: Specifically, a geopressured brine is a reservoir that is completely saturated with natural gas and, therefore, can be both a geothermal source and an unconventional gas source.
geopressured, geopressurized (adjective) (not comparable)
A geological science concerned with liquid under very high pressure beneath the Earth's surface: Geopressured fluid exists at pressure greater than 0.465 psi for each vertical foot of depth.

Geopressured reservoirs of highly pressurized geothermal fluids are trapped underground and offer various energy potentials, such as hydraulic energy from the high pressure, or thermal energy from the high temperature of the fluids, or natural gas dissolved in the fluid.

George (s) (proper noun)
1. A male personal name: Tom and Jill gave their first son the name George.

The name George was introduced in England by the Crusaders (a vision of St. George played a key role in the First Crusade), but not common until after the Hanoverian succession (18th century), so also "Georgian" (1855) in reference to the reigns of the first four king Georges (1714-1830).

St. George began to be recognized as a patron of England in the time of Edward III, perhaps because of his association with the Order of the Garter.
2. Etymology: from Latin Georgius, from Greek Georgios, "husbandman, farmer"; from ge-, "earth" + ergon, "work".

georgic (adjective), more georgic, most georgic
Like, or pertaining to, agricultural or rustic affairs; rural; agrarian: In his class, Doug had to write an essay on georgic life since his family lived on a farm outside the town.
geoscopy (s) (noun), geoscopies (pl)
The examination, or analysis, of soil: Mr. Williams was interested in the geoscopy which was written down by the experts who inspected his farmland.
geoseism (s) (noun), geoseisms (pl)
Another term for an earthquake: Lynn learned that when there were tremors within the planet, it was also called a geoseism.
geoselenic (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to the Earth and Moon: Mary read a book about the geoselenic phenomena that dealt with the interactive relationship between the Moon and the Earth.
geosere (s) (noun) (no pl)
In geology, the series of climax formations in an area throughout geological time: A geosere is a sequence of ecological communities of plants and animals that habitat a certain site and create a stable system.

Geosere is a process of ecological succession of changes as viewed through geologic time periods.

geosphere (s) (noun), geospheres (pl)
The physical Earth; a term for the solid mass (lithosphere) of the planet, or for the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere as a whole: A geosphere is the solid matter of the Earth, as distinct from the seas, plants, animals, and surrounding atmosphere.

Geosphere refers to the soils, sediments, and rock layers of the Earth's crust, both continental and beneath the ocean floors.

Geosphere is also known as "geophysiology", or the study of the interaction among living organisms on the world operating under the hypothesis that the planet itself acts as a single living organism.

geospheric (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to the combination of the Earth's lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere: The geospheric team members worked together in order to understand the interrelationship of the solid part of the world, the water layer of the Earth, and its atmosphere.
geostatic pressure, ground pressure, lithostatic pressure, rock pressure (s) (noun); geostatic pressures; ground pressures; lithostatic pressures; rock pressures (pl)
The pressure of the weight of overburden exerted on a rock formation by movements of the Earth: One way how geostatic pressure takes place is by diastrophic forces that are caused by rock movements that shape the crust of the planet Earth.
geostationary (adjective) (not comparable)
Relating to a fixed position in relation to the Earth: A geostationary artificial satellite travels above the equator and at the same speed as the Earth rotates so that it constantly appears at the same point in the sky.
geostrophic (adjective), more geostrophic, most geostrophic
Relating to the deflective forces produced by, or arising from, the Earth's rotation: In school, Jenifer learned about the geostrophic force that was caused by the revolution or turning of the world.
geostrophic current (s) (noun), geostrophic currents (pl)
A wind, ocean current, or other such movement in which the horizontal force is exactly balanced by the apparent force exerted on a moving object by the rotation of the Earth: When studying oceanography, Jill learned that the Gulf Stream, the Kuroshio Current, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, and the Agulhas Current were all examples of geostrophic currents.

Available for further enlightenment: the Earth, Words from the Myths.

Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "land, ground, fields, soil, dirt, mud, clay, earth (world)": agra-; agrest-; agri-; agro-; argill-; choro-; chthon-; epeiro-; glob-; lut-; myso-; pedo-; pel-; rhyp-; soil-; sord-; terr-.