doc-, doct-

(Latin: teach, instruct)

doctrinairism, doctrinarism (s) (noun)
A doctrine that is imposed or forced on others without regard to practical considerations or effects.
doctrinal (adjective)
1. Characterized by, belonging to, or concerning doctrine: "The ministers were having doctrinal disputes about when the world will come to an end.
2. Relating to, involving, or preoccupied with doctrines: "The groups split into at least two divergent view points as a result of their doctrinal differences."
doctrine (s) (noun), doctrines (pl)
1. A set of principles or beliefs; especially, religious or political ones which form the basis of a belief, a theory, or a policy.
2. A principle or body of principles presented for acceptance or belief; such as, by a religious, political, scientific, or philosophical organization.
docudrama (s) (noun), docudramas (pl)
A dramatized film (usually for television) which is based on a semi-fictional interpretation of real events; a documentary drama: "The series of docudramas made it possible for people to have a better understanding of how the vandals behaved during their conquests."
document (s) (noun), documents (pl)
1. A formal piece of writing or printed paper that bears the original, official, or legal form of something and can be used to furnish decisive evidence or information.
2. An object of law, such as an audio recording, movie, or a photograph, that can be used to furnish evidence or information.
3. Something; especially, a material substance as a coin bearing a revealing symbol or mark, that serves as proof or evidence.
4. In computer science, a computer file created with an application; such as, a word processor, a database, a spreadsheet, an illustration, or a text file.
document (verb), documents; documented; documenting
1. To make a record of something by writing about it or by filming or photographing it.
2. To provide evidence for a legal statement or claim by supplying supporting information.
3. To support statements in a book, for example, with written references or citations; to annotate information by adding critical or explanatory notes to a text.
documentary (adjective)
A reference to the use of documents: "He was told that he must present documentary proof of citizenship."

"Documentary evidence was required by the judge."

documentary (s) (noun), documentaries (pl)
1. A work, such as a film or television program, presenting facts about political, social, or historical subjects in a factual and informative manner and often consisting of actual news films or interviews accompanied by narration: "She received an award for her documentary about gorillas and their environmental problems resulting from human interference."
2. Movies or television programs which relate the facts about actual people and events: "They watched the series of documentaries about the royal families of europe."
documented (adjective), more documented; most documented
1. Descriptive of providing evidence for a legal statement with supporting information: "The judge used the documented confession of the defendant to proceed with the trial."
2. A reference to something that has been written down or recorded: "A video was used to show that there is more documented proof that the boy actually fell down on the icy sidewalk in front of the store and broke his arm."
Et docere et rerum exquirere causas.
To teach and to inquire into the nature of things.

Motto of the University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA.

indocile (adjective)
A descriptive term for being resistant to authority or discipline; recalcitrant or stubborn: "The teacher found the indocile boy to be resistant to proper behavior in the classroom."
indocility (s) (noun), indocilities (pl)
Being unteachable and resistent to learning: "There were several complaints from teachers about the indocilities of the boy."
indoctrinate (verb), indoctrinates; indoctrinated; indoctrinating
1. To teach someone to fully accept the ideas, opinions, and beliefs of a particular group and not to consider other idas, opinions and beliefs: "The proper goal should have been to teach politics in general, rather than to be indoctrinating the students with a narrow set of political beliefs."
2. To teach people specific beliefs, doctrines, or ideologies thoroughly and systematically; especially, with the goal of discouraging independent thoughts or the acceptance of other opinions: "Certain talk-show hosts strive to indoctrinate their audiences with one-sided political ideas or concepts."
indoctrination (s) (noun), indoctrinations (pl)
The process of enforcing ideas and opinions on people who aren't allowed to question or to challenge them: "The new troops were going through a military indoctrination which was meant to have soldiers who would obey their commanding officers without hesitating."
indoctrinator (s) (noun), indoctrinators (pl)
Someone or those who teach a person or group of people systematically to accept doctrines without resistance: "Radio broadcasts have functioned as indoctrinators for the general public."