Deficiencies of Information about Words as Seen in Too Many Dictionaries

(Just two of many lexicons that need to clarify all of the word contents for a better understanding instead of using another form of one of the words that is being defined to explain the other entries or simply not providing any information about the other words besides the primary entry.)

The examples below came from Webster's New International Dictionary, Second Edition; G. & C. Merriam Company, Publishers; 1952.

excogitable, adj. Susceptible of excogitation.

excogitate (eks KAHJ i tayt) v.t.; excogitated; excogitating. [L. excogitatus, past part. of excogitare. See ex-; cogitate.] To think out; to devise; contrive; to cogitate.

excogitation, n. (L. excogitatio.] Act of excogitating; also, a thing thought out; a contrivance.

excogitative (eks-koj'i-tay'tiv; -tuh-tiv), adj. Of or pertaining to excogitation.

excogitator (-ta'ter, n. One who excogitates.

Random House Unabridged Dictionary; Second Edition; Random House; New York; 1993; has the following information:

excogitate (iks KAHJ i tayt"), v.t. -tated, -tating.

1. To think out; devise; invent.

2. To study intensely and carefully in order to grasp or comprehend fully.

[1520-30; L. excogitare, to devise, invent, think out. See ex-, cogitate]

excogitable (eks-KAHJ tuh buhl), adj.
excogitation, n.
excogitative, adj.
excogitator, n.

This site has different presentations of the excogitable entries:

These words are available in the following ag-, agen-, act-, agi-, agit- unit where efforts are being made to provide meanings for every individual word without using a different form of the same word in the definitions.