cervi-, cerv-

(Latin: deer)

cervanthropy (s) (noun), cervanthropies (pl)
A form of insanity when people think they are wild deer or male deers.
cervicaprine (s) (noun), cervicaprines (pl)
The Indian antelope, or Antilope bezoartica, or Antilopa Cervicapra: The cervicaprine is noted for its beauty and swiftness. It has long, spiral, divergent horns.

The cervicaprine is about two and a half feet in height, of a reddish-brown color, with a white stomach and feet, has long naked ears, and a short, erect tail. The horns are black, about twelve inches long, and bent like a lyre.

The cervicaprines inhabit Barbary, Egypt, Arabia, and Syria, and are about half the size of a fallow deer. They live in large flocks, are easily tamed, although they are naturally very timid, and the flesh is considered to be excellent food.

The killing of deer.