caries, cario- +

(Latin: decay, rottenness)

caries (KAR eez, KAR i eez)
1. Gradual decay and disintegration of soft or bony tissue or of a tooth.
2. A molecular death of bone or teeth, corresponding to ulceration in the soft tissues.

If the decay progresses, the surrounding tissue becomes inflamed and an abscess forms; such as, chronic abscess, tuberculosis, and bacterial invasion of teeth.

In caries, the bone disintegrates by pieces, whereas in necrosis, large masses of bone are involved.

cariogenesis (kar" ee oh JEN uh sis)
1. The formation of caries; such as, tooth decay or progressive decalcification of the enamel and dentin of a tooth.
2. The process or mechanism of producing caries.
cariogenic (kar" ee oh JEN ik)
1. Conducive to the formation of caries.
2. Producing caries; usually, said of diets.
cariogenicity (kar" ee oh jee NIS i tee)
Potential for caries production.
cariology (kar" ee AHL oh jee)
The study of dental caries and cariogenesis.
cariostatic (kar" ee oh STAT ik)
Exerting an inhibitory action on the progress of dental caries.
carious (KAYR ee uhs)
1. Affected with or pertaining to caries.
2. Having pits or perforations.