Emerging Areas of Technology, Part 2, Number 2

(Synthetic Biology)

Technological applications in the tech area of "Synthetic Biology"

2. Synthetic Biology: Combined with simple bacteria, these networks could advance biosensing, allowing inspectors to pinpoint land mines or biological weapons; add human cells, and researchers might build entire organs for transplantation.

As the synergy between engineers and biologists grows, so do fantastic possibilities for personalized medicine, sensing and control, defense; almost any field conceivable.

Number 3, Nanowires is next.

You may return to the Index of Emerging Areas of Technology, Part 2.

Related topics about "technology": Biomimetics: Index; Biopiracy; Emerging Technologies; Geographic Information System (GIS): Index; Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS); Global Positioning System (GPS); Information Tech; Mechatronics; Nanotechnology; RFID; Robotics; Technological Breakthroughs; Technological Innovations; WAAS; Wireless Communications.