urge-, urg- +

(Latin: to press hard, to push, to drive, to compel)

urge (URJ), urges, urged
1. To advise or to entreat someone strongly and earnestly to do something.
2. To advocate or to demand something emphatically; that is, to recommend or to advise something to be done with persistence: "She was urged to restrain her eating habits."
3. To press, to hasten, or to impel someone to complete a course of action.
4. Etymology: from Latin urgere, "to press hard, to push, to drive, to compel".
1. A pressing necessity.
2. The need to deal with something quickly.
1. The quality or condition of a pressing necessity or importance.
2. Of pressing importance requiring speedy action.
3. An urgent situation calling for a prompt response.
1. A reference to something that a person needs to deal with immediately.
2. Conveying a sense of pressing importance.
3. Calling for immediate action or attention and the desire for something to be done quickly.
urgent care
A place where people who are sick or injured can go for immediate treatment instead of a hospital emergency room.
1. Compelling or requiring immediate action or attention; imperative; pressing: "Volunteers are urgently needed to help with the flooding crisis."
2. With great haste, with a sense of urgency, because something is very important.
urger (URJ ur)
1. Someone who presents, advocates, or demands something earnestly.
2. A person who undertakes the accomplishment of something with energy, swiftness, or enthusiasm.
3. Anyone who has a strong impulse, inner drive, or yearning to get something completed.
The act of trying to to persuade someone in a serious way to do something: "At the urging of his mother, he chose to pursue a career in teaching."