pan-, panto-, pant-

(Greek: all, every, entire; always)

panendoscope (s) (noun), panendoscopes (pl)
An illuminated instrument that gives a wide, over all, view of the bladder: The panendoscope provides an inspection of the interior of the urethra as well as the bladder with a special lens system.
panentheism (s) (noun), panentheisms (pl)
1. A philosophy founded on the notion that all things are in God: Panentheism is a doctrine that the universe is part of God, but that God nevertheless transcends or has some existence separate from the universe.
2. A belief that God is all reality, but not all reality is God.
panentheist (s) (noun), panentheists (pl)
1. A person who believes that all things are in God: A panentheist maintains that God and the world are inter-related with the world being in God and God being in the world.
2. Etymology: from the Greek elements pan, "all" + en, "in" + theist, "God".
panesthesia, panaesthesia (s) (noun); panesthesias; panaesthesias (pl)
The total of sensations or perceptions of an individual at a given moment: A panesthesia includes all of the physical sensations that anyone can experience at a certain time.
panglossian (adjective), more panglossian, most panglossian
1. A reference to being excessively and inappropriately optimistic: A panglossian belief or attitude is considered as being blindly or naively hopeful and confident about what will happen in the future.
2. Etymology: from Greek pan-, "all" + Greek glossa, literally, "tongue".
pangram (s) (noun), pangrams (pl)
1. A sentence containing all the letters of the alphabet at least once: The best-known English pangram is "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

Here are some other pangrams:

  • We promptly judged antique ivory buckles for the next prize
  • The vixen jumped quickly on her foe barking with zeal.
  • Five or six big jet planes zoomed quickly by the tower.
  • Six big devils from Japan quickly forgot how to waltz.
  • Jay visited back home and gazed upon a brown fox and quail.
  • All questions asked by five watch experts amazed the judge.
  • Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex bud.
— Compiled from "Your Favorite Pangrams" where there are hundreds of other pangrams or at
2. Etymology: from the Greek for all letters, pan, "all" + gramma, "letter".
Panhellenic, Pan-Hellenic (adjective) (no comparatives)
1. Relating to, or referring to, all of the Greek people or all of Greece: The Olympic Games were a Panhellenic celebration.
2. Etymology: from 1847, "referring to" or "involving all the Greeks", from Greek Panhellenes, "all the Hellenes"; from pan-, "all" + Hellenic, from Greek.
Panhellenism, Pan-Hellenism (s) (noun); Panhellenisms, Pan-Hellenisms (pl)
1. A term related to college or university fraternities and sororities collectively.
2. Etymology: from pan-, "all" +Hellenic, from Greek Hellenikos and from Hellen, "a Greek".
panhidrosis (s) (noun) (no plural)
Excessive sweating over the whole surface of the body: While Mark was working in his garden on a summer day, he was experiencing panhidrosis.
panhydrometer (s) (noun), panhydrometers (pl)
A water meter that can be used to measure the relative density of any liquid.
panhygrous (adjective), more panhygrous, most panhygrous
Relating to being moist all over or wet in all parts.
panhypopituitarism (s) (noun), panhypopituitarisms (pl)
A defective or absent function of the entire pituitary gland which is a small, gray, rounded gland that regulates many bodily processes including growth, reproduction, and various metabolic activities: If there is any decreased secretion of most or all of the pituitary hormones, the term panhypopituitarism is used.
panhysterectomy (s) (noun), panhysterectomies (pl)
The complete excision or the surgical removal of the entire uterus through the abdominal wall or the vagina including the cervix uteri: The presence of benign or malignant tumors is the most frequent reason for performing panhysterectomies.
panhysterocolpectomy (s) (noun), panhysterocolpectomies (pl)
The total excision of the uterus, cervix, and the fallopian tubes.
panic (s) (noun), panics (pl)
1. In medicine, an acute anxiety, terror, or fright that is usually that usually happens suddenly and which may be uncontrollable, and require sedation.

Symptoms of a panic attack may include any of the following: shortness of breath or a smothering sensation, palpitations and tachycardia, trembling, sweating, choking, nausea or abdominal distress, numbness or parenthesizes, hot flashes or chills, chest pain or discomfort, a fear of dying, and a fear of losing one's mind or of doing something uncontrollable.

2. Etymology: a "terror caused by the god Pan". The ancient Greeks believed that he lurked in lonely spots, and would frighten people by suddenly appearing or by making noises.

English acquired the word via French panique and modern Latin panicus from Greek panikos, "of Pan".

Related "all, every" word unit: omni-.