
(Greek > Latin: mark, reproach; shame, disgrace; from Greek, puncture; brand; tattoo mark; point)

stigmatize (verb), stigmatizes; stigmatized; stigmatizing
1. To incriminate or to denounce openly or officially; to discredit as disgraceful: The boys' conduct was stigmatized as totally mean, low, and detestable, and so the principal of the school suspended them for a week.
2. To label someone, or something, as socially unacceptable: Cindy was stigmatized by the people in the little village because she divorced her husband.
stigmatized (adjective), more stigmatized, most stigmatized
Relating to someone who has been treated unfairly: The stigmatized student was not treated properly by his fellow class mates because of his race.
stigmatophilic (adjective), more stigmatophilic, most stigmatophilic
A reference to someone with an obsession for tattooing or branding.