sapro-, sapr-, sap- +

(Greek: rotten, putrid, putrefaction, decay; poisoning from bacterial action)

A sedimentary deposit in which the amount of clay is greater than that of sapropel.
1. Found in, characterized by, or derived from sapropel.
2. A reference to organisms inhabiting mud that is rich in decaying organic matter.
3. An aquatic habitat containing a high concentration of organic matter and a low concentration of dissolved oxygen (frequently anaerobic).
sapropelic coal, sapropelite
Coal formed by putrefaction of organic matter under anaerobic conditions in stagnant or standing bodies of water.
Occurrence limited to the sapropel.
Saprophagans, the name of a tribe of Coleopterous insects, comprising those that feed on substances in a state of decomposition.
saprophagous, saprophage, saprophagy, saprophagic
1. Feeding or living on decaying material or on decomposing matter.
2. Subsisting on decaying organic matter, saprotrophic.
3. Feeding on dead or decaying organic matter; biophagous.
1. A bacterium inhabiting putrid matter.
2. Of bacteria found in putrid matter.
1. Thriving in humus-rich substrata.
2. Feeding on decaying organic matter.
1. Flourishing in decaying matter.
2. Thriving in humus-rich substrata.
saprophyte, saprophytal
1. A plant living on dead or decaying matter.
2. Any vegetable organism that lives on decayed organic matter.
3. A saprotrophic organism; especially, a fungus or microorganism.
4. An organism, especially a fungus or bacterium, that grows on and derives its nourishment from dead or decaying organic matter that help natural decomposition of organic matter in water.
5. An organism that derives its nourishment by absorbing the products or remains of other organisms.

Many fungi and bacteria are saprophytes and are important in food chains in returning nutrients to the soil by means of putrefaction and decay.

1. A reference to saprophytes.
2. Designating the type of nutrition characteristic of a saprophyte which includes plants that obtain nutrients from dead or decaying organic matter.
After the manner of saprophytes.
1. The state of living as a saprophyte.
2. Saprophytic nutrition.
saprophytophagous, saprophytophage, saprophytophagy
Feeding on decomposing plant material.
saproplankton (s) (noun), saproplankton; saproplanktons (pl)
Plankton found on the surface of stagnant water: Saproplankton inhabit or dwell in water rich in decaying organic matter or in foul waters.

It may consist primarily of "saprophytes".

Don't confuse this sap-,sapro- with another sap- [sapo-] that means "soap" or another sap-, sapi- which means, "wise, wisdom".

Word families with similar applications about: "decay, rotten; wasting away; putrid, pus" word units: phthisio- (decay, waste away); puro- (pus); pus (viscous fluid via an infection); pustu- (blister, pimple); putre- (rotten, decayed); pyo- (pus; purulent); sepsi- (decay, rot, putrefactive); suppurant- (festering, forming or discharging pus); tabe- (wasting away, decaying).