pelvi-, pelvio-, pelvo-, pelyco- +

(Latin: basin; basin-shaped structure of the body)

pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Infection of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and adjacent pelvic structures that is not associated with surgery or pregnancy.

It is usually an ascending infection in which pathogenic micro-organisms spread from the vagina and cervix to the upper portions of the reproductive tract.

pelvic lipomatosis
Fat deposits in the pelvis producing compression and distortion of the bladder, rectum, ureters, and pelvic veins.

It is a rare condition of unknown etiology (cause) usually seen in middle-aged men.

1. Radiographical study and measurement of the fetal head and the maternal pelvic outlet.
2. Measurement of the size of the fetal head and of the birth canal from suitable radiographs of the pelvis of a pregnant woman.
Measurement of the diameters of the fetal head and the comparison of these with the diameters of the maternal pelvis.
Referring to the pelvis, pelvic girdle, and the femur or the thigh.

The femur is the longest and thickest bone of the human skeleton which extends from the pelvis to the knee.

A device used to measure the pelvic dimensions.
1. Measurement of the diameters of the female pelvis in pregnancy and of the size of the fetal head.
2. Measurement of the pelvic dimensions or proportions, which helps to determine whether or not it will be possible to deliver a fetus through the normal route.

This is done by various methods including manual or x-ray.

The surgical establishment of a new connection between the renal pelvis and the urinary bladder in order to bypass a damaged or obstructed ureter.
1. Surgical enlargement of the pelvic outlet to facilitate childbirth.
2. Plastic surgical procedure on the pelvis of the kidney.
Visual inspection of the pelvis.
1. Enlargement of the pelvic outlet to facilitate childbirth.
2. Incision of the renal pelvis; usually done in order to remove a calculus.
Inflammation of the peritoneum lining the pelvic cavity.
Roentgenography of the pelvic viscera, usually after the injection of a gas: such as nitrous oxide or carbon dioxide, into the pelvis.
pelvis (s), pelves (pl)
1. The large circular, basin-shaped region at the junction of the trunk and the lower limbs.

It consists of the two hip bones, the sacrum, and the coccyx that enclose the pelvic cavity and its contents.

The contents of the pelvis are the urinary bladder and rectum in both sexes; in addition, the male has the seminal vesicles and the prostrate gland surrounding the neck of the bladder; while the female has the womb, ovaries, and their appendages.

It is divided into the major pelvis and the minor pelvis y an oblique plane formed by the terminal lines at the sides and in front and the sacral promonotory behind. The major pelvis also forms the lower portion of the abdomen.

2. Any basin-shaped or funnel-shaped structure; such as, the renal pelvis.

The renal pelvis is that part of the collecting system proximal (nearest) to the ureter which collects urine from the renal pyramids.

An apparatus used to determine the precise contours of the pelvis radiologically.